Category: KABcam

KABcam is now Free!

KABcam is now Free! KABcam is a free Windows webcam program that supports virtually all USB cameras, built-in laptop cameras and network cameras. With version 6 I have released KABcam as freeware.  In addition...

KABcam Update 5.1.3

KABcam version 5.1.3 is available, this update contains the following changes: Fixed an issue where KABcam would ignore the Passive FTP setting when performing an FTP Settings test. Fixed a rare issue where entering...

KABcam Update 5.1.2

KABcam version 5.1.2 is available, this update contains the following changes: New: Added an option to set the language when using weather from, when the weather description is added to the KABcam image...

KABcam Update 5.0.171

KABcam 5.0.171 is available, this update contains the following changes: Fixed an error that could occur when KABcam was set to run when Windows starts. Changed the behavior of the close (x) button when...

KABcam 5 and Journal2Day Weather Fix

Both KABcam 5 and Journal2Day have been updated to use OpenWeatherMap data in place of the free Yahoo! weather service that was shutdown earlier this month.

Yahoo Weather Shutdown

Yahoo has retired their free Weather API. For KABcam 5 please use one of the alternate weather services. An update will be available soon for Journal2Day. This is the second time Yahoo has shutdown...

Celebrate 20 years with 20% savings

Help us celebrate the 20th birthday of kab software with 20% off of KABcam and Journal2Day. To join in on the celebration use the coupon code 20YEARS during checkout. Valid through December 31st, 2018

Yahoo! Weather Notice (KABcam)

Yahoo! shutdown their public weather server at the end of March, 2016. KABcam has used this public weather service for many years, and with it’s termination the weather feature in the current and previous...