About kab software

Disclaimer: This is a long, self-indulgent post. You may want to grab a coffee first, or better yet move on to something completely different.

A little about kab software

The original KAB Software logo from 1998

I started kab software in 1996 when I released Lydia Email Agent, it was very popular back when everyone had limited dial-up accounts. In 1998 kabsoftware.com went online with the release of KABcam. From the initial release of Lydia Email Agent in 1996 to the latest release of KABcam in 2024, kab software has been creating Software for Humans for over 28 years.

Before kab software

Starting in 1991, I wrote software for the Tandy Color Computer (Coco) and DOS using the name KLG Systems.  My most popular program was the game Sidney the Super Space Snake for the Coco III, if you were part of the Coco community back then you may have seen Sidney in the Coco magazine The Rainbow. In 2019 I recreated Sidney the Super Space Snake for Windows and Linux. After the Coco was discontinued I switched to creating DOS and Windows (version 3) shareware that was distributed on BBS‘.

My stint as a professional game developer

In 1995 I was hired part time to help program a DOS based graphic adventure game called Curly’s Adventure. The game was being developed by Sylum Entertainment and produced by Epic (called Epic Megagames back then). With the release of Windows 95 and the first version of DirectX in beta, Epic wanted the game moved to Windows.  The original lead programmer had no experience in Windows programming and left the game, I was brought on full-time as the lead programmer. Unfortunately Sylum Entertainment suffered from bad management and in 1997 Epic dropped Curly’s Adventure. I continued to work on the game while Sylum Entertainment tried to find another producer. I left the game in 1998, Curly’s Adventure was officially cancelled in 1999.

About Me

I’ve worked in the IT field for over 30 years. I am currently an IT Manager for a manufacturing company in Texas.  The rest of the time I spend camping with my family, playing the guitar in a worship band, writing software, and playing Guild Wars 2 (even though I’m probably to old to).  Most importantly I am a husband, father and Christian.

– Keith