KABcam Download

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You can download the latest version of KABcam from the link below.

What’s New in Version 6.0.10

  • KABcam is now freeware, you can use it and share it without having to buy it. If you like the software please consider donating.
  • You no longer have to download FFmpeg in order to capture snapshots from cameras that only supply video streams..
  • Temporary files form network cameras are now deleted after use.
  • Fixed a bug where the SFTP/FTP port would be reset to the default when the settings window loads, this cause issues when using non-standard ports.

  Download KABcam

Download Instructions

  1. Once the download is complete (1) click the Downloads icon in the upper right corner, then (2) click the setup program to start the installation.

Windows Protection
Windows will often block setup files, if this happens follow these steps to allow the setup to run.

  1. Click More Info

2. Click Run Anyway