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File Menu

Change Password

Changes the password for your journal.  After entering a password you'll be asked to confirm it. Make sure you use a password that is hard for others to guess, but easy enough for you to remember.


Set Password

Adds a password to protect your journal. When you set a password your journal file is encrypted and can only be opened with the password.  When setting a password it's important to pick a password that's hard for others to guess but easy for you to remember.  If you forget your password there's no way to recover your journal.  You won't see this menu item if your journal is already password protected. See Journal Encryption for more information.


Remove Password

Removes the password protection from your journal.


Backup/Restore Journal

Backup Journal

Creates a backup of your journal file, you will be asked where to save the backup file.  See Restoring a journal backup to learn how to restore your journal from a backup.  You can also configure Automatic Backups.


Restore Journal

Restores the journal from an automatic or manual backup. See Restoring a journal backup to learn how to restore your journal from a backup.


Export Journal

Exports your journal to file that can be opened in Microsoft Word, Open Office and most other word processors.



Opens the program settings.



Exits Journal2Day.



Entry Menu

Insert Date and Time

Adds the current date and time to the journal entry. The default location is at the beginning of the test, you can change where the date and time are added in the Journal settings.


Take a Photo

Adds a photo to the photo gadget using your computer camera. If you have multiple cameras you can select the camera to use in the photo gadget settings.


Get Current Weather

Set the weather gadget with the current weather conditions. If  Automatically get the weather is check in the Weather gadget settings the weather will be set when you start typing.


Insert Image
Adds an image into the journal entry at the cursor location. Large images are resized to 400 pixels. Note: Adding multiple images to a journal entry can slow down saving a entry.


Go to Date

Goes to a specific date in your journal.



Searches for text in the current journal entry.


Find Next

Continues the search.


Delete Entry

Deletes the current journal entry, you will be asked twice since the entry is immediately and  permanently deleted. The only way to recover a deleted entry is to restore your entire journal file.


Print entry

Prints a copy of the current journal entry including the mood, weather and photo gadgets.


View Menu


Lets you hide or show the Mood, Weather and Photo gadgets.


Search Window

Opens the search window where you can search through all of your journal entries. See Searching your journal to learn more about searching your journal.


Writing Prompts

Opens the writing prompt window.  Writing prompts can help you when your not sure what to write about. You can select from different lists of prompts. See Using writing prompts to learn more about how using prompts.


Mood Chart

Opens the mood chart window where you can see your mood over a period of time See Using the mood chart to learn how you can select different dates for the chart.




Displays this help file.


Check for update

Checks for any update to Journal2Day. If you have Check for updates  enabled in the Journal settings it will automatically check for updates.



Displays the program version, copyright and license information.